How long do Eyeshadows Last & How to Extend Their Wearing Time?

One of the most frequent questions we receive is "how long do eyeshadows last “and how to increase their life. This post is designed to answer all those questions regarding your eyeshadow and their expiries. 

Before I was a makeup artist, I had no idea how to make my eyeshadows last longer. Now that I am a makeup artist, I'm still slightly confused about how to keep my eye-shadows fresh and pretty as long as possible. But don't worry! If you have similar questions about making your eye shadows last longer than their expiration date (or their packaging suggests), we're here for you! We've put together some tips on how to make your eyeshadow last longer so that you can be sure those beautiful colors stay bright and vibrant until the very last moment.

How long do Eyeshadows Last?

Your eyeshadows may last for years, depending on how well you care for them. The main ingredients in eye shadow are powder and liquid. The powder is usually made up of mica, talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxides, zinc oxide—and sometimes boron nitride. The liquid is usually water with a little bit of alcohol in it (although some brands make their liquid formula).

It's important not to break the seal on the package until you're ready to use the product so that air can't get inside and damage it over time. You should also make sure that your products don't get too hot or cold; heat speeds up oxidation which causes colors to change faster than normal; cold slows down oxidation which makes colors last longer (but not forever).

Two Key Steps to increase your eyeshadows' life span

Keep them away from sunlight and heat.

Keep them away from moisture, humidity, and dust.

Store them properly

The best way to store your eyeshadows is in a cool, dry place. Ideally, this means an area where they won't be exposed to direct sunlight and has low humidity levels. The bathroom isn't always the most ideal place because it tends to be steamy and humid (and therefore not good for makeup). It's also important not to keep your eyeliners or shadows in your makeup bag for too long. It's best to clean out that bag every few weeks so you're only using fresh products regularly—and don't forget about those brushes! They need cleaning as well from time to time (more on that below).

Tips to Increase Eyeshadow Life

To get the longest life out of your eyeshadow, follow these tips:

Store the palette in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause powder products to break down more quickly.

Don't share your brushes with anyone else. They're like a fingerprint—each one is unique! Using someone else's brush can lead to germs getting into your eyeshadow and causing infection, which is no fun at all.

When applying the shadow, use a clean brush every time that you dip it into an eye look (or dip it into solution). This will ensure that there aren't any bits left behind from previous use that would stick around on your eyelids and ruin things later on down the line!

Common mistakes people do with their eye shadows!

Using fingers to apply eyeshadows.

Not cleaning up after applying eyeshadows.

Not storing them in a cool place.

Not keeping them away from heat and humidity.

Using a makeup brush to apply eyeshadows.

Using talcum powder on the skin before applying them.

Using an eye primer before applying them.

Can you believe that it is possible to make your eyeshadows last for almost a decade?

Yes, it's true. All you need to do is follow the steps below and store them properly, take care of them properly, and avoid making these common mistakes.

As explained before, store them in a cool place away from sunlight: This will prevent them from fading and becoming unusable.

Don't touch the surface of an eye shadow with your fingers: This will contaminate it and make it hard to use later on because it won’t pick up any pigments anymore!

Avoid using too much powder at once because that could cause stains on skin or clothes if they fall off into other areas while applying makeup.

Summing up:

same amino acid as the one in your skin

We hope that this article on “how long do eyeshadows last” has given you some great tips on how to extend the life of your eyeshadow. Although taking care of your eyeshadow increases life, buying a good quality product matters too. This is why recommend the Master Origin Eyeshadow Palette from Perfect Diary. It is crafted from premium ingredients, last longer than any other brand we tested this year, and has an amino acid tech behind its formula to give you amazing results.