What is light grey eyeliner pencil and how to apply it

How to apply light grey eyeliner pencil?
When it comes to eyeliner, there are 4 ways you can purchase it: pencil, gel, cream and liquid. The pencil eyeliner is really great because of 4 major pros: A. It’s easier for beginners to control; B. It can be less expensive than the other eyeliners; C. It comes in a wide range of colors; D. It can be smudged to create a smoky effect. But it also can be tricky to apply. Here are some tips to apply the light grey eyeliner.

1. Make sure you have an area with bright lighting and a mirror that you can get close to so you can really see what you’re doing. Unlike brown and black eyeliners, the color of grey eyeliner is lighter, so you need sufficient light to see clearly.

2. Lining your entire upper eye on top of your eyelashes. This might be tricky because you need to have a very steady hand. The tip is to rest your elbow on the table or anything that can give you more stability.

3. Apply very light pressure towards the point of the pencil and start making short lines from the middle of your eye to the outer corner. Then draw the inner corner of the eye until it connects with the middle where you started before. Because the grey color is light, you can repeat the move several times to strengthen the color.

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4. Use light grey eyeliner for nude makeup. Eyeliner typically goes on after you’ve done eyeshadow, but it’s actually a better idea to just use the light grey eyeliner without wearing eyeshadow to create easy nude makeup.

5. Choose green or blue eyeshadow to match your grey eyeliner. These two colors are the most suitable for grey eyeliner. If you have green or blue eyes, then this eye makeup will be a perfect match for you.

6. Grey eyeliner pencil and black liquid eyeliner can be used together to draw a natural smoky look. The trick is to draw a line of black liquid eyeliner, then overlay a layer of grey eyeliner, and then smudge it with your finger or a cotton swab, so you'll have a very natural smoky eye look.

Who should use light grey eyeliner?
The whole reason to use eyeliner is to draw attention to your beautiful eyes and enhance them. And you can also use eyeliner to change the shape of your eye or to create different effects.

In general, the light grey eyeliner is suitable for everyone. But it is especially suitable for these three types of people. 1. Those with green or blue eyes. The grey eyeliner can naturally blend with the color of their eyes, brightening the whole eye look. 2. People with cool-toned skin. For them, use light grey eyeliner pencil will be more natural and is great for doing a nude makeup. 3. Anyone who wants to apply a simple daytime makeup. Especially under the sunshine, the grey eyeliner looks less dramatic than black.

Is grey eyeliner better than black?
As we all know, black is a pretty universal color, no matter what color your eyes are, the black is going to brighten them out. Compare with the grey eyeliner, the biggest benefit of black eyeliner is that it does blend in with the eyelashes so to give the appearance that the eyelashes are longer. To be specific, the black eyeliner can frame the eyes with the most intensity and it can be quite dramatic. So, if you are looking for a heavy makeup, we recommend choosing black eyeliner.

As for the grey eyeliner, it’s not as harsh and concrete as black. In other words, it’s more natural for the skin color and more subdued so that it’s considered more of a daytime eyeliner. In fact, it does not matter which is good or bad, but whether it is suitable or not. As long as you choose the right color for the right occasion, and match the whole eye makeup, whatever color is actually your best color.